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CrossFit is a program based on constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity. CrossFit includes elements of interval high intensity trainings such as boot camp, aerobics, weightlifting, kettlebell lifting, athletics, rowing, powerlifting, gymnastics, etc. [read more]
Combat Sambo
Personal & Group Training
MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)
Nowadays there two kinds of sambo – sport and combat sambo. Starting from the moment of its foundation sambo was considered as an effective way of a person’s moral and all round physical development, enhancing agility, strength, stamina, and tactical thinking improvement. [read more]
Crossfit is not a trendy training technique – this is a physical exercise philosophy.
In other words it’s a new quality approach to training. As a competitive fitness sport CrossFit originated in the USA in 2000 but became extremely popular all over the world for comparatively short period of time.
CrossFit is a program based on constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity.
This kind of exercise is aimed at all round development of an athlete, which means CrossFit includes elements of interval high intensity trainings such as boot camp, aerobics, weightlifting, kettlebell lifting, athletics, rowing, powerlifting, gymnastics, etc.
As a result you get beautiful strong body. First of all, you train your heart, which in turn allows you to extend your life expectancy. Secondly, this is a strength training for all muscle groups, which promotes harmonic development.
CrossFit implies universal exercises that won’t let you be sluggish, and in turn makes this work-out technique more demanding in the real life compared to any other sport.

Join Combat Sambo.
Sambo is a martial art and combat sport as well as a complex system of self-defense. The word “SAMBO” is an acronym for RussianĀ SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya, which literally translates as “self-defense without weapons”. Sambo (Self defense without use of weapon) is a way of martial art and also a complex system of self defense technique. Sambo, is relatively young but rather popular and developing kind of combat sport. The foundation of Sambo consists of complex techniques of self defense and attacks taken from most effective martial arts sports from all over the world. The amount of new moves and techniques in Sambo is always evolving with the sport itself, making it ever evolving and more creative than other martial art sports.
The philosophy of Sambo – is not only a martial art and self defensive moves without the use of weapons but also a way of self discipline that develops high moral standards. Sambo helps one become determined, as well as cultivates stamina and perseverance, promotes self-discipline and develops traits needed for goal achievement. Thus, the system focused on everything advanced and expedient lies at the foundation of sambo philosophy – philosophy of constant development, renewal, and openness for all good. Along with the specific combat techniques sambo absorbed ethical principles of nations that passed their culture heritage.
Combat Sambo allows all methods of Sport Sambo as well as punches, kicks, elbows, knees, headbutts and groin strikes. Combat Sambo is a unique self-defence system elaborated in real combat practice; it is also universal due to variety of its technique elements and to educational approach to mind training.
- Combat Sambo is based on real combat with multiple opponents (standing and lying), natural movements, and special training in stressful conditions.
- Combat Sambo is a complex system that combines various techniques: striking, throwing, gripping, and special technique.
- In Combat Sambo techniques such as self defense, attack, special moves as well as techniques for a real street fight (using the environment that is happens to be around)
- Combat Sambo is accessible and available to anyone at any age!
- Combat Sambo is the sport of XXI era!